Breeding/Development: New Zealand. Initially called Super Alpha upon its release by HortResearch in 1976, in 2012 this variety was renamed Dr. Rudi in honor of the “father of New Zealand hops.” It is a high-alpha triploid bred from an open cross of Smoothcone.
Brewing Application: Intended as a bittering hop, but like many of its fellow New Zealand varieties that followed, Super Alpha possesses an oil profile that suits modern craft styles very well. Try in hoppy lagers, bitters and pale ales.
Sensory: Moderate. Sweetly grassy with overtones of lemongrass, pine sap, and dried fruit.
Hop Size 1 oz
Alpha Acid Range % 10.0 - 12.0
Beta Acid Range % 7.0 – 8.5
Co-Humulone as % of Alpha 36 – 39
Total Oil mL/100 g 1.0 – 1.4